French debate: Let’s see how the leaders speak French

 Le débat des chefs
If you don’t speak French, chances are you didn’t watch the French debate “Le Débat des Chefs”.
Don’t worry, I watched it for you. I can’t vote in this election because I am not a Canadian citizen. So I decided  to focus not on what the leaders were saying but how they were saying it. Here are 32 thoughts doing so:
(0. Nobody looks like they’re going to cook anything. Apparently we’re talking about another kind of “chefs”)
1. The debate is in French, so your name will be pronounced as a French name.
2. His name is not Mülker! It’s Mulcair!
3. Elizabeth, come see me for some French lessons
4. Gilles Duceppe a.k.a “I’m the only real francophone here”
5. Harper made a lot of progress with his French since the 2010 debate
6. French mayhem!! Tout le monde parle!
7. Trudeau is the only one who sounds the same in French and in English
8. Reassuring fact: Leaders can talk for 2 minutes and say nothing in French, too.
9. This debate looks more like a debate in France: everybody talks at the same time and tries to speak louder than everyone else.
10. This is a French debate, so let’s make it about Quebec. Forget about the rest of the francophones.
11. Gilles just said “Interdire un vote à visage découvert”. Y’all hear that? Cover your face, when you vote. (he obviously meant the opposite)
12. “Moderateur” is apparently the French word for “I am useless”.
13. Elizabeth is talking about aboriginal women when asked about the niqab. Did she understand what they were talking about or just decided to talk about something completely different?
14. It’s not easy to make promises in French when it’s not your first language.
15. Who’s this M. Mülker they keep talking about?
16. Refering to Jean Coutu. This one is obviously not for you francophones from outside Québec.
17. Gilles Duceppe is here to remind you of Quebec. Don’t forget: Je me souviens.
18. – You have 5 seconds. Madame May.
– Nous.. nous.. nous devons…
– Time’s up, thank you Madame May.
19. Debating in your second language is very hard and very frustrating.
20. Elizabeth’s French isn’t bad. It’s just hard for her to jump into the conversation. Spontaneity will come with practice, keep practicing, Liz!
21. Journalist apologized to kids – as if kids were watching this – for using the word “dégoutés” (disgusted). I think that’s okay, monsieur.
22. Gilles just dropped the M word: la monarchie.
23. Justin just remembered it’s actually easy for him to speak French. He suddenly sounds more confident and passionate.
24. 1h07 into the debate: French and English languages are used to oppose different parts of the country.
25. French isn’t Harper’s and May’s first language and they’re getting tired because they have to concentrate harder than the others. So now, they’re talking less.
26. They’re now talking about the environment. Elizabeth, this is your field. I hope you did your French homework.
27. Fun fact: Leaders nod with disdain in French the same way they do in English.
28. “Québec, la belle province” – Gilles Duceppe (every 7 minutes)
29. “Québec” might be tonight’s most-used word.
30. Harper’s body language is the same whether he’s speaking French or English, which is not the case for everybody using a second language. Psycholinguistics shows it’s usually a sign of confidence.
31. First “faux-ami” of the night- used by May: “actuellement” doesn’t mean “actually”.
32. Harper’s accent is getting weirder and weirder. I’ve been there, it’s normal when you’re not used to speak another language. But his accent is really weird, almost Russian sometimes.

French report cards for tonight:

MayYou made some progress. Join a conversation class and practice spontaneity.
You obvioHarpperusly paid attention in French class. Now, work on your prononciation because you sound kind of weird.
TrudeauHesitations on some words at the beginning but after a while you remembered you grew up speaking French.
French or English, that’s not a problem for you. Bien joué!
DuceppeObviously, no issue with the language. Just remember, you can speak French with non-quebecers, too.

Do you think I should get to vote?


Yesterday, there was a provincial by-election in my riding and voter turnout was around 38%. I was one of the people who didn’t vote, but that didn’t influence voter turnout because, as a permanent resident, I am not allowed to vote. Don’t worry, this is not me complaining about  the right to vote. You see, I have been thinking about this issue for quite some time now – I’ve been a permanent resident for three years – and I still can’t decide if I should be allowed to vote in municipal and provincial elections.

As you probably noticed, I didn’t even raise the issue about federal elections. I come from a family of immigrants: my dad emmigrated from Tunisia to France, my grand-father emmigrated from France to the U.S., my great-grandparents emmigrated from Poland to France.  My dad lived in France for a long time before he got his French citizenship. It was something important to him and I remember him telling me that now he was  “fully French” and could call France his country. That probably explains, at least partially, why I think non-citizens shouldn’t vote in national elections. These elections are a way for the people to decide the future of their country, and a country isn’t fully yours when you are still not fully adopted by that country.

However, for me, municipal and provincial elections are different. As a resident of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia every decision made by the provincial government and by the city council directly affect my everyday life (of course, it’s also the case with the decisions made by the federal government, but I already covered that.) Maybe it is the same for Canadians who think the decisions made in Ottawa are disconnected from them and see local politics as more important. And, I am not sure of this, but  most Canadians I talk to (which of course doesn’t even come close to 35 millions) have a strong attachment to the province in which they live. I have developed a strong attachment to Nova Scotia, too. Probably because it is were I first settled when I arrived in Canada. I can’t speak for all immigrants, but I think when you come to a new country, you develop a special bond with the first place you decide will be your new home. Sometimes, at least when politics is a little bit interesting for you, it can be frustrating not to be allowed to participate in the important decisions that will impact your home. Especially, when you work in that province, contribute to its life and economy, and pay taxes. Paying taxes in Nova Scotia shouldn’t necessarily give me the right to vote, it already gives me the right as a permanent resident to have access to great services like healthcare. And I am not trying to use taxes in a “my taxes pay your salary” way. I see me paying taxes as a normal way to contribute to the sustainability of this province and to give other people access to the same services. But shouldn’t contributing give me the right to elect the people who will decide how to use my contribution? I still don’t know.

In the six years I have spent here, I have seen the question be raised a few times especially at the municipal level here in Halifax. One of the arguments that often comes up is that allowing permanent residents to vote will increase voter turnout. First of all, this is not mathematical evidence. Increasing the number of potential voters still means you need to increase the number of people who actually vote. You might even see a decrease if permanent residents don’t show up. There is this assumption that they want to vote and they will if they are given the right to. I know I would, but I don’t know if others would. Do you? Observations and studies might have been done in other countries but they took place in different contexts. Maybe surveys have been done here, but I am not aware of them. We also know that surveys don’t always reflect the reality. Anyway, I don’t think that it matters, because for me this is a bad argument. If you want to give permanent residents the right to vote it should be for good reasons and increasing voter turnout isn’t one. I believe that for that kind of issue only ethical and philosophical reasons matter. Not trying to sound smart here, I just mean it is a decision that should be made in regards to the values that it is associated with and not in regard to pragmatic reasons. Maybe a referendum can be a tool for that kind of societal issue. I guess that is why I still don’t know whether I should have the right to vote or not, it is because I think it isn’t up to me to decide but up to Canadians. The question remains: Should permanent residents be allowed to vote in local elections?

What is this thing you call summer?

Oh my God, what is this?! What is happening? There is a big bright light in the sky and I am warm. I must be dying. I’m sorry, what? What did you say it was? Spring? Oh ok, it’s just that it was supposed to start 8 weeks ago so I thought it was just not going to happen this year. That’s great though, it means summer is coming! It also means I – and you too, if like me you’ve been hibernating for months – need to get ready.


Summer check list:

1 – Get some DEET. No, get a lot of it! A couple times every summer I get very close to needing a blood transfusion to survive the constant attacks from mosquitoes/black flies/horse flies/evil flying creatures from Hell. So I have to choose between spraying we-are-not-sure-how-toxic-this-product-is insect repellant all over my body and risking  not surviving the summer. Or to simply look like that:



2 – Get some sunscreen: There is an average of 48 hours of sun per month of summer in Nova Scotia, which is not a lot. However, it’s enough for you to burn or get a weird farmer’s or fisherman’s tan so apply generously. And put a hat on, a Moosehead one or even a Habs, a Bruins or a Leafs one. I’m kidding, don’t wear a Leafs hat. (I don’t really have anything against the Leafs, I’m just slowly becoming Canadian, so I’m dissing them like everyone else.)


3 – Get ready to drink: Between BBQs, patios, weddings, playoffs, and regular evenings, you will see your alcohol intake go up a lot. That’s OK, you’re helping the economy. Plus now, you get Air Miles at the NSLC, so really, you’re just making smart economic decisions. Just don’t forget to have at least one Keith’s at some point. It’s the law in Nova Scotia.


4 – Get ready for the election: In October, the country will vote for its leader. In the meantime, you will be exposed to a lot of arguments, lawn signs, heated conversations and cheap jokes about haircuts. To help you make your choice you can always count on the televised debates and your colleague or relative that has an opinion on everything and knows for sure who you should vote for. According to Elections Canada, 12.2% of Canadians are not at all interested in politics. If that’s your case and you get caught in a conversation about the elections, just say “First, we really should do something about the Senate!”. 86% of Canadians want to either abolish or reform it, so chances are people will agree with you, and hopefully,  the conversation topic will change.


Mostly, get ready for some fun! But before fully enjoying the summer, make sure  you are done shovelling all the snow that got dumped on Nova Scotia this winter.


Photo taken May 18th, 2015


 Check if you speak Nova Scotian