Slowly Becoming Canadian – Episode 14 – Canada Day 1

Canada Day 1.jpg

To celebrate Canada turning 150, the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 (in Halifax, NS) will launch its Canada Day 1 exhibit on March 18th. I was very lucky to be allowed to take a peek at it while it was still being put together. I also got to interview museum’s curator, Dan Conlin, who gave me my own private tour and to meet one of the artists who colaborated on the exhibit, Charley Young.

If you can’t get to Halifax to see the exhibit, take a look at the museum’s website or follow them on Facebook, twitter or Instagram.

You can find out more about Charley’s work on her website:

Thank you again to the museum (who wishes to thank the RBC Foundation for their support and contribution) and a special thanks to Dan Conlin.

As always, the episode is available on Soudcloud, iTunes or right here:




Slowly Becoming Canadian – Episode 06 – Field Trip

SBC - Episode 06 - Field Trip

To celebrate my 4th anniversary as a permanent resident, the Slowly Becoming Canadian podcast is taking a field trip. Join me on a guided tour of the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21. The tour is given by a professional interpreter, I take care of the rambling part.

Listen to the podcast on iTunes, just look for Slowly Becoming Canadian on the iTunes store!

/!\ The first uploaded version of the episode was the wrong one and might have been automatically downloaded to your library. If the sound isn’t perfect, just re-download the episode.

Where many people started to slowly become Canadian

If you visit/live in Halifax, NS, you have to visit Pier 21. There is so much to see and so much to learn.

If you immigrated to Canada, you’ll see how people like you helped shape this country and how it helped them in return.

If you were born here, you’ll see how Canada – and you – has welcomed and continues to welcome and help so many people from everywhere.

Multiculturalism can sometimes be a very abstract idea. When you listen to these stories and see what happened in that place, it becomes very concrete. It is about people from Everywhere making a new Here.

 The Canadian Immigration Room

It is filled with great pictures, stories and very interesting facts

The Immigration Office

Look at that sassy lady with the sunglasses just about to enter Canada

The Immigration Office

The officer behind that desk was the person who decided to let you in or not.

And if you’re very nice, you’ll get to take a picture with Fenton, the museum’s mascot. Come on, look at him, you know you want to!